即将成为团员 发些最新的流言~
Gbit 125 Star 0 Score 0.00
发布于 12 年多前
更新于 4 年多前
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(今天下单 MC975 了 盼了好久不容易啊 发帖庆祝一下) 转贴党 顺便发些MacRumors消息~

Apple and Samsung Moving into ‘Hate-Hate’ Relationship http://www.macrumors.com/2012/10/15/apple-and-samsung-moving-into-hate-hate-relationship/ 所以现在基本都是LG屏了么?

More Claims of 13-Inch Retina MacBook Pro Coming at Next Week’s Media Event http://www.macrumors.com/2012/10/15/more-claims-of-13-inch-retina-macbook-pro-coming-at-next-weeks-media-event/ http://www.macrumors.com/2012/10/15/13-inch-retina-macbook-pro-sai-to-carry-unprecedented-battery-design/ 更NB的电池设计?

http://www.macrumors.com/2012/10/15/apple-to-launch-new-mac-mini-at-next-weeks-media-event/ 9to5Mac is reporting that Apple will announce a new version of the Mac Mini at next week’s rumored media event, alongside the 13” Retina MacBook Pro and the iPad mini. 所以这次有三样新品发布?

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4 回复
lie Gbit: 307 12 年多前


xingxingwoo Gbit: 125 12 年多前

昨天的原封标配975 今天就到了~ : 外观完美 系统10.8.0 LG屏 三星SSD 电池循环计数1 手头有点忙 各种打理中 改天晒图~~

huobazi Gbit: 151 12 年多前


badec Gbit: 33 12 年多前


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