
蓝子 Admin
Gbit 9805 Star 57 Score 10.00
发布于 大约 11 年前
更新于 4 年多前
8588 浏览

iOS7越狱刚出,但现在还有各种问题,建议需要越狱的观察几天再说,等这么久了,也不急着这几天。 另外,越狱的机子在applestore是无法保修的,越狱的机子要保修,需要先刷机回到非越狱状态。万一中间出了意外得自己负责哈~



1、所有依靠 mobile substrate 运行库的越狱程序(如AppSync[IPA补丁]、输入法等)均无法正常使用,请不要安装各种补丁;


3、解决iOS设备锁屏密码: iPhone 5s:设置–通用–Touch ID和密码 其他设备: 设置–通用–密码锁定

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40 回复
liuqifan13 Gbit: 158 大约 11 年前


牛牛 Gbit: 2 大约 11 年前


牛牛 Gbit: 2 大约 11 年前


zsd100 Gbit: 39 大约 11 年前


laihaifan2 Gbit: 44 大约 11 年前

@zsd100 顶~

click Gbit: 65 大约 11 年前


boreyboy Gbit: 186 大约 11 年前

越狱很不安全,买苹果很多人是为了安全吧,可偏偏为了使用盗版而越狱呢? 到时候支付宝、银行卡一下全部被盗,悔之晚矣。

冰点绿叶 Gbit: 457 大约 11 年前


idigital Gbit: 36 大约 11 年前


ysg911 Gbit: 3 大约 11 年前
#10 0


sixiangyu Gbit: 126 大约 11 年前
#11 0


693693 Gbit: 45 大约 11 年前
#12 0

整个事件吃亏的必然用户 我觉得吧: 1、将来的evasion都会是太极买断中文 2、本漏洞在测试版已经堵住,并且7.1更新应该就在最近几天了,所以即使在不完美的情况下,红衣教主还是胁迫evasion发布,先占一些市场 3、evasion为了钱,可以出卖用户,以前自立牌坊,现在6位数前又当了婊子 4、evasion贸然更新没有通知cydia大神,也就是说cydia里面好多插件都没有更新,越狱了也没意义


693693 Gbit: 45 大约 11 年前
#13 0


亲爱的越狱社区: 我们目前正在被各种IOS7越狱的流言和揣测困扰着。我们想在这里告诉你们全部的故事。 大家最主要关注的是太极助手的捆绑。在越狱开发的过程中,有一个公司提出要在中国地区以捆绑太极助手的形式与我们合作。太极助手是一个中文的应用程序商店,我们相信太极助手能够更加适合中国市场。用户不会被强制捆绑太极助手。用户依然可以安装cydia也可以卸载太极助手。如果用户在越狱的过程中同时被剥夺了选择的权利就太讽刺了。 太极助手从来没有要求我们停止目前所有的越狱进展甚至全部卖给他们。他们只是要求我们在中国地区捆绑他们的第三方软件,就和我们在世界范围内绑定cydia作为一个额外的应用程序商店一样。同样的道理,之前的越狱黑客blackra1n也绑定了非cydia的第三方商店。 当然,用户的安全和隐私也是关心的焦点。再经过许多全世界安全专家的仔细检查后,我们选择了一个风险较低的越狱软件。我们对于“发布有潜在被恶意修改风险的软件”这种指控有些伤心。如果有任何人尝试在越狱软件里面绑定恶意软件,我们相信那些负责检查的安全专家们会发现的。二进制代码的复杂性也是一个为什么我们之前要把cydia汇编到越狱工具里里面而不是作为一个单独的文件的原因。我们希望保证越狱软件的安全性并且降低它被一些恶意的第三方利用的可能性。这种复杂性并不是为了增加越狱文件被分析的难度(实际上很多专家已经完全的分析过了),这只是为了不让其他第三方能够太轻易的反编译。 隐私的保护对我们也是极其重要的。我们对于现在的盗版行为感到遗憾和羞耻。我们所有的成员在过去都对盗版行为有过猛烈的抨击。我们认为对于开发者来说自己的成果的得不到回报是不对的。在我们和太极助手的合同里,我们要求他们不在太极助手里包含盗版内容。这是我们和他们合作的一个重要前提。在于他们合作的进程中,希望我们的合作能够扭转中国目前的盗版现状。现在中国的很多“助手”,包括一些大公司旗下的产品,都有盗版侵权的行为。我们认为扶持一个不参与盗版的“助手”能够符合开发者的利益。 尽管有之前的合同,盗版还是在太极助手里出现了。这是不可接受的并且太极助手已经在努力的尝试解决盗版问题。他们已经移除了我们向他们提出的一些盗版软件。我们对于这个情况很抱歉。幸好越狱社区发现了这个问题。我们在发布前检查过代码但是没能发现这个问题。我们在这里道歉。我们将会尝试解决这个问题,如果问题不能解决我们将移除太极助手。 很多人也在问为什么越狱在很多必要插件更新之前就发布了。在我们和太极助手接触并决定和他们合作后,我们告知了Saurik。Saurik在之前就被一些中国公司视为潜在的合作对象,但是他提出了反对意见。很不幸,谈判没能成功。几天之后,我们得知Saurik正在和另一个越狱团队合作并打算在我们之前发布越狱。我们决定提前发布越狱,尽管在很多必须插件还不兼容的情况下。但我们知道这些插件和以往一样,在几天之内就会更新的。 是的,我们的确通过越狱得到了经济上的利益,就和越狱社区的其他人一样。,包括插件开发者等等。我们发布的所有越狱对用户都将是免费的,但是我们相信我们有权利通过其他方式获得补偿,就和其他开发者一样。但是无论如何,越狱社区的利益对我们永远是第一位的。发布越狱的时候,我们保证会用所有的捐款支持越狱社区的利益。我们对于无意间损害了越狱社区的利益深表抱歉,并且我们正在尽一切努力修复问题。 我们热爱越狱社区,是你们激励让我们能够坚持下来。能够拥有选择的权利并解放你的设备是非常重要的。 我们希望你能够理解并且感谢你们所有的支持。 evad3rs ========================= 英文原版 Dear Jailbreak Community, We are deeply troubled by the rumors and speculation surrounding our iOS 7 jailbreak. We would like to present the whole story to you. Most of the concern surrounds the inclusion of the Chinese App Store Taig. In the course of developing the iOS 7 jailbreak, we were approached by the company with an offer of partnership in offering Taig bundled with the jailbreak in China. Taig is a Chinese App Store written in Chinese. tailored and, we believe, well suited to meet the needs of users for the Chinese market. Users are not locked into Taig. Cydia can also be installed and Taig removed afterwards. It would be deeply hypocritical to remove choice from the user in the course of jailbreaking. Taig has never asked us to disclose our exploits to them, let alone sell them. We were simply asked to bundle their third-** app store in China in a similar way we bundle and distribute Cydia around the world as an additional App Store, and in a similar way to how previous jailbreaks like blackra1n have bundled non-Cydia stores. Of course, the safety and security of our users is a paramount concern, and due to the amount of close scrutiny by security professionals around the world, we offer one of the lower risk programs available for download on the Internet. We are saddened by the accusations that we would ever do such a thing, or sell weaponized exploits. If anyone ever attempted to include malware in a jailbreak, we are confident that the many security experts combing through jailbreak software would find it. The binaries are obfuscated for a similar reason to why we have in the past compiled in Cydia rather than including it as a separate file. We wish to secure the integrity of the jailbreak and discourage its use by third parties who may in fact wish to weaponize it. The obfuscation is of course not intended to deflect serious analysis by security professionals (who have quickly already fully analyzed and discussed the contents of the jailbreak), it is simply intended to prevent easy repackaging by other parties. Preventing piracy is also extremely important to us. We are deeply sorry and embarrassed about the piracy that was seen today. All of us have spoken out vehemently against piracy in the past. We don’t believe it’s檚 right for developers to not get paid for their work. In our agreement with Taig, we contractually bind them to not have piracy in their store. This was an extremely important precondition of working with them. In entering the agreement with them, we had hoped and continue to hope that our cooperation with Taig will improve the piracy situation in China. Many App Stores within China, including those run by large corporations, have many issues with pirated software. Promoting an app store that is required not to have piracy with our jailbreak, we believe, will help developers. We are very upset that despite our agreement and review by their team, piracy was found in the store. It was not acceptable and they have been strenuously working to resolve the problem in good faith, and have removed all instances of it that we have brought to their attention. We are happy that it was not overlooked by the community. We’ve been so heads down working on the code that we didn’t see this. We are sorry. We will continue to monitor this issue and work to resolve it completely. Taig will be pulled from the jailbreak if it cannot be resolved. Many of you have also wondered why this jailbreak was released without Cydia and MobileSubstrate being updated for iOS 7. After we received the offer from Taig, we informed Saurik, our friend, of our decision to accept the offer. SaurikIT had been in talks with Chinese companies regarding potential partnerships, made a counteroffer. We believe they share our views on how a relationship with companies in China currently utilizing jailbreaking might benefit everyone in the community. Unfortunately, the negotiations did not work out. A few days later, we received information that SaurikIT was working with another group to release a jailbreak ahead of us. We decided to release, knowing that Cydia, MobileSubstrate, and jailbreak tweaks would be updated after a few days, just as it always has in the course of jailbreaking. Yes, we have benefitted financially from our work, just as many others in the jailbreak community have, including tweak developers, repo owners, etc. Any jailbreak from us will always be free to the users but we believe we have a right to be compensated in an ethical way, just as any other developer. However, the interests of the community will always be the most important thing to us. When releasing the jailbreak, we pledged all our donations to foundations supporting the interests of the community. We are deeply upset at how we have inadvertently distressed the community and we are focused on fixing it. We love the jailbreak community and you motivate us to do this work. Having a choice and freeing your device is important. We hope you understand and we thank you for all of your support. evad3rs ————————–


lonyer Gbit: 63 大约 11 年前
#14 0


不辣的皮特 Gbit: 85 大约 11 年前
#15 0


loulijun Gbit: 104 大约 11 年前
#16 0


693693 Gbit: 45 大约 11 年前
#17 0

@loulijun 装盗版软件不需要越狱 越狱是为了装各种插件“定制、增强”自己的手机 你属于不需要越狱的人群

幻儿 Gbit: 45 大约 11 年前
#18 0

@loulijun 因为很多好的软件都收费啦 而且玩游戏的话越狱可以无限购买金币钻石之类的【虽然这样也失去了玩游戏的兴趣】

26651551 Gbit: 44 大约 11 年前
#19 0


团子 Gbit: 937 大约 11 年前
#20 0

目前我的ipad air已经越狱了,在测试各种兼容性的问题,另外,由于这次植入了国内公司的太极助手,在越狱情况下,用户隐私(主要是apple id和密码,通讯录,支付宝信息)极其容易被盗取,大家好自为之!

Laynex Gbit: 1324 大约 11 年前
#21 0

@loulijun @幻儿

“越狱不就是为了装盗版软件” 这话在外面说会被人嘲笑的

enj0y Gbit: 154 大约 11 年前
#22 0


loulijun Gbit: 104 大约 11 年前
#23 0

@Laynex 无非一个系统权限而已,表示非越狱的已经够了

loulijun Gbit: 104 大约 11 年前
#24 0

@Laynex 另外,你是猴子请来的逗比吗

lhbgov Gbit: 241 大约 11 年前
#25 0


Laynex Gbit: 1324 大约 11 年前
#26 0

@loulijun 你不是不明白越狱有什么用么? 不懂就不要胡扯 容易扯到蛋



Laynex Gbit: 1324 大约 11 年前
#27 0

@loulijun 另外, 嘴巴不干净 会被人嘲笑没有家教的~

succinum Gbit: 18 大约 11 年前
#28 0


湛蓝夜 Gbit: 40 大约 11 年前
#29 0

@篮子 苹果团有群吗?

loulijun Gbit: 104 大约 11 年前
#30 0

@Laynex 你tm从小缺少教养吗,张口闭口就是教养,老子说啥关你毛事,装逼犯

sixiangyu Gbit: 126 大约 11 年前
#31 0

@海绵 @Hura @蓝子 貌似论坛有bug,有的用户发表的内容超出了边框。

霍菲尔德 Gbit: 378 大约 11 年前
#32 0

@Laynex 厉害,佩服。。。刀刀是血,刀上还带倒勾,拔出来又伤一次。。。。

Laynex Gbit: 1324 大约 11 年前
#33 0

@霍菲尔德 目光有够专业的,一眼就看出问题所在 挖哈哈

霍菲尔德 Gbit: 378 大约 11 年前
#34 0

@Laynex 很多程序员用的那种像机械手臂一样的台灯是什么牌子啊,灯帽像碗倒着放一样的…

Laynex Gbit: 1324 大约 11 年前
#35 0

@霍菲尔德 没见过.. 程序员貌似不怎么依赖台灯的把… - -

蓝子 Gbit: 9805 大约 11 年前
#36 0

@loulijun @Laynex 还在吵啊,不许再吵了!不良的帖子我删掉了。

@霍菲尔德 Pixel的LUXO.JR样式~

Laynex Gbit: 1324 大约 11 年前
#37 0

@蓝子 -.- 蓝子哥好有阅历… 什么都知道…

gEvJx3i9bg Gbit: 266 大约 11 年前
#38 0

@Laynex 干得漂亮!

Laynex Gbit: 1324 大约 11 年前
#39 0

@gEvJx3i9bg 人间自有真情在……

eternally Gbit: 12 大约 11 年前
#40 0


苹果团 购买苹果产品的完美之地